Saturday, November 25, 2006


Yup...I'm in Dublin right an internet shop thing - I hope to send out an update tomorrow or monday. Oh, also, I've uploaded some pics on to flickr, so check em out - link to the right :-)

Ok...back in Wales in that internet cafe i was telling you about (the one that closes at like 5, so gotta be quick - spent all my time today coming back from ireland and washing clothes, but did get some more good pics outside my hotel, put em up later...of course) btw, i just heard a commercial for "Now 65", you know, those CDs that have all of the current popular music...65, holy crap that's alot of those things, what do they put a new one out each month??

anyways, Dublin. yeah, Dublin was a blast - got to see the Guinness brewery, and a whole bunch of other stuff in Dublin. And i have a great story about my hotel....just to wet your appetite (sp?). basically, i was originally booked in this really crappy place by the online service that i used and so i went looking for a new place, but all of the hotels in Dublin were booked. right when i was about to give up, i found one...a really nice one, that just so happened to be a few stories above an underground nightclub, haha. it's always an adventure with me, i tell you what. anyways, gotta leave you on that note ;-)

Thursday, November 23, 2006

almost end of my first week abroad

So...i've been a bit remiss in put up stuff, but thanks to those who've been emailing me and sending facebook msgs, it means more than you think :-). Here's some stuff from this week...what's been going on and some musings about my time here so far....

So, I arrived in London at about 5:30 AM, which is waaayyy too early…but this also meant that the lines weren’t that long, so it was fairly stress-free getting through customs. After getting in, I went to get my rental car. Now I was fully expecting to receive something that made the Mini Cooper look big, but no suck luck, lol. I actually got a very nice little car (please see facebook and flickr – flickr address is on the right) that even had navigation…pretty cool. Actually, i hope to get some pics up this weekend...

However, I must say that driving on the opposite side of the road is pretty confusing, but I managed to arrive in Tenby, Wales after only 1 wrong turn and about 5 hrs of driving (not b/c of the wrong turn, but b/c it was pretty far from London). Tenby, is a beautiful little European town with lots of history. There is even a castle near the refinery (not far from here, it’s actually pretty close to work – in Pembroke); I plan to go this weekend…unfortunately, the two major downsides are that since the town is soooo small that everything except some bars and stuff is closed by the time I get back from work and I have extremely limited internet access…..only like a bit at night at the hotel desk

Hmm…yeah, the roads here a really narrow, and everyone drives like they’re in a rally, but I’ve decided that I’m just going to be “that guy” and drive super slow and piss everyone off – that’s the best way I know how to not have to deal with local authorities, haha. It looks like I’ll be here at least until sometime next week, which means that I’m going to try and get to Ireland this weekend – dunno if I’ll get as far as Dublin, but I’m going to try.

So far, I’m doing ok…I think it’ll be a little while ‘till it’s set in. Haha, and then a little while more until God makes it ok…but I know he will. That and I’m really grateful for all of you back home (both in GA and Chicago….and Korea and NC and various parts of the world, lol) it means a lot to know you think of me occasionally. Again, feel free to send me emails, or phone me…let me know if you have any questions about my trip so far – I’m sure I’ve forgotten something cool/funny that’s happened so far…haha, like how I’ve already burnt out my alarm clock b/c I didn’t buy one that is good for 240V.

So, the following are some musings about my time here so far:

Customs/culture: people really do say “bloody” a lot, and “mate” – you know, it’s curious that we don’t have a word comparable to mate – it’s kinda like a cross between “man” and “friend”, as in “no problem, mate” and “me and my mates” – pretty cool…that and most of the other typical UK things like “brilliant” and “what are you on about” (aka. What are you going on about, I think). So far most of the people are fairly friendly. One thing that’s funny is I’ve noticed that the “gents” here all seem to have either a shaved head, or spiked up hair (clothing, and style in general is a bit different here). Hmmm, what else…oh, everyone holds their fork with their left hand and uses it like a spear (as opposed to the hold-it-like-a-pencil-but-use-it-like-a-shovel method we have in the states).

I got the chance to watch a Liverpool game last night – I went into a pub to get some food, and sat down (they had some couches in the back and a big, ~200in, projection screen) just about when the game came on. What was cool about it was that this just so happened to be a Liverpool pub, so everyone in there was cheering. Haha, although since Tenby is so small, everyone consisted of about 15-20 people, but it was fun anyhow. I was talking to these two older guys in there and they mentioned some things I found interesting…apparently England is having similar issues to the US, in that there are a lot of people immigrating there for work, but instead of like Mexicans (no offense Ryan, lol) it’s all Polish and Indian people. OH, tea and coffee (tea esp) is big here – I’ve even got a tea set thing in my room (comes with one of those plug in boilers, lol, it’s great). Ha, ok, so the queen’s picture is on all of the money here…(I was looking at some coins the other day) and I’ve realized that her picture has changed – she looks older on the newer coins than she does on the other ones. I find that hilarious that they change her picture to reflect her age, ahaha. Two things about the money here – the bills are too big to fit in your wallet w/o everyone knowing what you’ve got (maybe that’s the point), and I’ve never seen (don’t think they even have it) a bill smaller than 5 pounds. This means that you have to carry around 1 and 2 pound coins…now, I have enough trouble losing quarters, now I have to worry about losing pounds – fyi, the pound is worth almost 2 US dollars...which I constantly have to remember b/c everything here costs the same (numerically) except that’s it’s really twice as expensive b/c of the exchange rate. Fun, lol. The weather here is fun too. The countryside is beautiful – maybe ill get some pics up soon…but there’s a reason that it’s so green, lol. I think it rains more and the wind blows harder when it’s sunny out. And there seems to be much fewer hrs of daylight. But one cool thing is that all this rain means a lot of rainbows. Saw one just this morning on the way to work as a matter of fact.

Work: work is pretty fun so far…actually, we aren’t doing much here. They don’t really need us, but we came with the price of the catalyst so they’re tolerating us. For the most part, everyone just kinda ignores us. But that’s ok…makes our job easier. I think everyone in the world uses Microsoft Outlook….It’s funny, my boss here (it’s just him, his wife, and myself here from my company) has said this is pretty much his nicest location, which, except for having like zero internet, I’d have to agree, it’s much better than say, India. It’s ok, just that the town (and even refinery) are kinda out in the middle of nowhere. My hotel is pretty much a glorified bed and breakfast. I only occasionally get to use the hotel computer (that is when the girl behind the desk isn’t sending emails to her boyfriend). So far, I’m scheduled to be here for about another week and a half, then, I’ll probably go to Spain until about Christmas. I may spend Christmas in Spain, or I may spend it in the air coming back…we’ll see, but my sister has already tried to get me to fly her out there…which I’ll probably do b/c missing holidays is no fun – today happens to be Thanksgiving...and I’m working – yea!! Of course, any of you are welcome to come visit, lol. If you can get here, you’ll have a place to stay.

Oh, this is cool – I’m going to Ireland this weekend, Dublin to be precise. I’m going to visit the Guinness brewery!! Should be a blast – ha, the only thing is since the town I’m in is so far out there, I have to get up at like 4 on Saturday to drive a few hrs to the nearest airport…that should be fun. But I suppose that I can’t complain too much seeing as how I get to go to Ireland (and by “get to” I mean I paid to go, haha, but it’s obviously much cheaper. I’ll let you know how that goes…hopefully, I’ll be able to find something like an internet café or the like in Dublin…I’ll also have to mail some post cards – if anyone wants one, let me know (include your address). Oh, that reminds me, souvenirs…who wants what?? I’ll see what I can do ;-).

Anyways, let me know how things are back in the states. Updating soon….

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

update from the UK

Hello all, well...i'm here and it's pretty cool, however, i don't really have good internet access - i'm on the hotel computer right now...i'll try and get some stuff up later this week, but pictures may have to wait until this weekend. you can try and email me b/c i should be able to get those at the refinery (but we only have dial-up there...) working on alternatives. keep you posted...also, i hope to have my call forwarding up soon, if you want leave a message at my old (404) number and i'll call you back.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Arthur in the Bible??

I’m at work…and due to the nature of my job, there are times where I’m really busy and time where I’m not so busy. This is one of those not so busy times…so I thought I’d write a sermon of sorts….more just my own musing, so take it for what it’s worth, its long, so settle in….

God works in mysterious ways…they’re mostly a mystery because I can’t understand his unsurpassing grace. What amazes me most is that when we step out there with nothing else to catch us and no other options…he’s there. This begs the question as to why we aren’t out there more often. Why is our memory so short and our trust so limited as to define God and limit his power by placing on him the constraints of not our past encounters with him, but rather our own shortcomings of a self-developed faith that is built in the filthiness of our own pride?

What would we do without Thomas and Peter, and the stories divinely not omitted from scripture? I feel sure that if it were up to them, they would have pleaded not to have history remember them at their weakest moments – Peter denying Christ after three years and countless miracles (arguably the most poignant in Peter’s life, and in his example for us, being walking on water) only to return and become one of (if not the first) leader of the early church…and Thomas, the doubting disciple. How many of us can relate to these two men? How many of us are comforted by the knowledge that even these men, who lived and breathed with Jesus, could deny his power and authority, only to turn again to him and be welcomed with open arms.

This vein doesn’t stop here either…the Bible is riddled with people struggling with their faith…and also with stories of overcomers. David, the divinely anointed “man after God’s own heart,” turned a deaf ear to God when he chased after Bathsheba – when he chases after what he wanted and not what God wanted.

To borrow an analogy, the bible is filled with many Arthurs and only a few Galahads; meaning that there are many examples of great men, who are just that…men (and women for any ladies reading this…I don’t want to not be “PC”) who are true to their God and their people, but who also struggle with not just outside forces, i.e. enemies and hardships, but also internal struggles. There are few cases where someone is a Galahad, a pure heart. For most of us, Galahad is something to be sought after, to work towards; however, one must also acknowledge the beauty in being an Arthur…one must be ok, and even admit their need of being cleaned up and not knowing how to do it themselves. We cannot, under our own power go from being an Arthur to being a Galahad. Only through Christ can this be done.

The job, however, is not finished once we accept this realization of our need for Christ. The awakening to our dependence on Jesus serves only to usher in new challenges and thoughts that must be battled. We begin to question why. Why would Jesus die for us, why does God love us so, what use are we if we can’t even save ourselves, even in some small way? No, our salvation is entirely hinged upon the cross and it is up to us only to turn and praise God. What we must do is accept…simply accept our salvation…our fate. As a side note, the use of the word “fate” here is meant with only the best connotations and I realize that “destiny” could have been used, but to me, “fate” implies a more real-world, and less romanticized, emotion than would “destiny” – this is purposeful to inspire this salvation as a reality and not a dream – although it is a dream that I greatly anticipate waking to.

Read Ephesians 2.8-10 and I Peter 1.3-7 … I choose not to quote either here so that you’ll actually read them for yourself ;-). The passage in Ephesians speaks of God’s love for us – love so amazing that he chose us not just while we were still sinners, but before “the foundation of the world” (this part is actually back in ch1.vs 4) and of how (vs. 8) he saved us by his grace through faith. Now, if he’s saved us by his grace…then who’s faith are talking about here? I would argue that it may be our faith, but that if we have any faith at all it is because God gave it to us. I believe that it is God’s faith in us (and within us – the two not being mutually exclusive) that can (and does) save us – but can (and does) only do so because of God’s infinite grace. And how can we even be subject to this grace? Christ’s sacrifice alone makes it possible for us to even be brought into the presence of God and his grace.

The passage from I Peter says (vs. 9) that the outcome of our faith is our salvation…now if it is God (through Christ) that saves us, that is the manner and means of our salvation, and if we stand on the basis that God’s word is true and complete, then “our faith” must, inevitably, be a product of and gift of God in us. Furthermore, Peter says (vs.6 and 7) that “our” faith may (speaking from experience, moreover will) be tested as gold refined in the fire… (I wonder if, in light of today’s culture, platinum would be a better analogy than gold, eheh)... and that this testing by fire would produce praise and glory and honor (to God) at the revelation of Jesus (and what he’s done for us). So, it seems that tested-faith, not simply faith alone, produces praise to God.

There is a story in Luke (Lk 17.11-19) about Jesus cleansing 10 lepers. They see Jesus and beg for him to have mercy (or grace, if you will). Jesus does so, heals them, and then says to them to go and show themselves to the priests. The leapers are then cleansed as they go along. Then one of them, upon seeing that he’s been healed, turns and praises Jesus. His faith, upon being tested, produces praise when he is refined by the power of Christ. Now, there is much more to this verse, but for now, we’ll concentrate on this – that the man saw he was healed, and praised God…to which Jesus responded “rise and go your way; your faith has made you well.” “Made well”…I think there is a fine distinction here between “healed” and “made well”…all ten were healed, but only one was made well…made whole (again this says nothing of the fact that the only man to turn was a Samaritan…I’ll let you hash that one out with God). What an experience…to be so visibly cleansed of something; and furthermore to be made well – the Bible doesn’t mention this man elsewhere, but I often wonder what struggles in faith he may have faced in the future despite such a life changing event.

Even so, I’m comforted by the stories of Peter, and David, and Moses, and so many others…that “the steps of a man are established by the Lord, when he delights in his way, though he fall, he shall not fall headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand” (Ps. 37.23, 24). God knows us (Ps. 139) and he loves us (Jn. 3.16), and just as Jesus prayed for Peter that though he was temped, that his faith would not fail (Luke 22.31), so he (Jesus) prays for us. This is an interesting passage, because Jesus tells Peter that Satan has demanded to sift him (Peter), but that Jesus has prayed for Peter that his (Peter’s) faith would not fail, and that when he turned again (turned from what?), that he would strengthen his brothers. Wait just a minute…Jesus says here that Peter’s faith will not fail, but Peter denied Jesus anyway…Peter’s faith (as in anything that was in Peter that was solely of himself – his own human trust and faith) did fail, but the faith that God had placed in Peter did not fail, because God is in it for the long haul, and Peter did, eventually, return to strengthen his brothers. I think that God sees our human frailties and that though we are faithless, he is faithful, and that though we may fall, as long as we return to God, we will not fall away.

In the end, faith is a gift of God to us – to let us see, and experience him. Faith is a medium in which we come to know God. Faith is evidence of a concrete gift from God…one that we always assume is our own concoction…but I would argue that it is not ours, but rather it is from God. So, what of the questions people have about their own shortcomings and lackings of faith…I don’t think we, necessarily lack faith, as it were…not so much as it is more often that we are frustrated – frustration being the product of unmet expectations. This frustration produces doubt…which, when the doubt is our own human doubt, opposes, not replaces or diminishes, the faith God has placed in us. If we confine God to our plan, our expectations, or even our past experiences (past experiences should serve only to confirm God’s working in our lives) we will be disappointed. We must stand on God’s faith, the faith that when tested produces praise, and not on anything that is a product of ourselves. Faith is evidence of God’s choice of us from before the beginning of time…and faith in its purest form is hope, it is trust…it is, in a word, love.

I John 4.8 – God is love.

And, God loves us (Isaiah 43.4)

And all we can do and all that God requires of us is to love him (Mt. 22.37-40) and in doing so that we would do “justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God” (Micah 6.8).

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Office Space and Vikings

Have you ever seen the movie Office Space? Well, if you work in an office then you’ve probably, as I have, come to realize the brilliance and truth represented in this movie. It’s frightening how much of this movie I see brought to life in my job. Now I don’t exactly have your typical job and so I don’t even want to think what it must be like for those suckers down on Michigan Ave.

Most of the people at work are so dang serious, it’s ridiculous – for example, I was in a meeting once where we were talking about importing some catalyst (don’t worry if you don’t know what that is, suffice to say it’s one of the things that my company makes) … anyway, this guy was talking about having to deal with import/export taxes (or duties) and he said “well, we could do that and just eat the duty on it.” WHAT!!?? Did he just say that…and why is no one laughing? No one!…I don’t think you can fully appreciate how hard I was trying not to fall out of my chair and die of laughter – it’s not that it’s really that funny in and of itself, but to hear some one say that in the middle of a meeting and nobody catch it was pretty freakin hilarious – that one made it a little easier to go to work the next day.

Ok, so recently I got a laptop for work and so I got a backpack to carry it in so that I don’t walk through foreign airports/cities having this nice shoulder bag w/ “DELL” plastered on the side screaming “HEY, steal me!!!” Great idea, right? Well, it may be in some airport, but I feel like I’m 12 walking into work with my backpack on…well the skipping probably doesn’t help. Sometimes I try to carry it on one shoulder to look more professional and that helps.
Anyway, this year-ish of work has shown me not to take things too seriously…and that if I ever had to work in a cubical, I’d probably go postal. Remember back in the day when all those people were going postal – i.e. postal workers going nuts because their jobs sucked or something…recently, I’ve seen postal workers wearing those safari hats, and high socks, and walking everywhere again…I think that’s helped them not be so crazy – honestly, how serious can you take yourself when your wearing a safari hat? I’ve also realized that I could never work your typical 9-5 job…life is too short…..

I’m watching this show on the History channel right now where they’ve built this replica of a Viking longboat and now they’re giving it away to this Viking re-enactor guy…I just don’t understand re-enactors…man, they really get into character – I mean, they just showed the guy pillage a town and burn it to the ground. Ok, not really, but I just don’t really understand them – I guess they just want to find some escape for their lives….which proves my point that you gotta have a job that you love. I’m giving my a little while longer to see if it grows on me…b/c if not….

Friday, November 03, 2006


So...I'm still here chillin in Chicago. I was supposed to be in Indonesia right now, but I suppose I can't complain too much - I like it here in Chicago. I've got great friends and a plenty to do...I suppose I'm as ready as I can be to leave, but God has kept me from leaving just yet, so the question remains: why am I still here? Still trying to figure that one out...but in any event, I've gotten stuck on this project at work where I'm going through these manuals and creating this giant training presentation (i.e. death by powerpoint). I suppose that powerpoint is better than overheads, but there has got to be a better way...ugh, it's awful. I had this one professor in college who taught the class via an Elmo. For those of you who don't know, an Elmo is like an overhead projector that uses a video camera instead of a back light. So Dr. Ray (that's the guy's name, Dr. Ray) would turn down the lights and write out his notes on a pad of paper on the Elmo...that was worse than powerpoint I think...less color and no cool animations. For my seinor design project at Ga Tech we had to do a powerpoint presentation and at the end for one of the slides we had an animation of a baby running across the screen - it was pretty funny...guess you really had to be there to appreciate it......isn't it annoying when people say that " had to be there, muwahhhaa" yeah, I guess I would have had to be there punk, why don't you stay in the moment, hunh? Anyways, the baby thing was pretty dang funny...of course, lots of stuff seems funny at 5 in the morning after having been up for like 3 days straight. So, I think that stream-of-consciousness is my new thing for writing, its fun.

Like I said, I'm doing this powerpoint thing at work...and once I'm done with that, then I should start travelling - towards the end of the month (this month), i.e. in about two weeks. I might get to go to England (well, Wales to be precise) but then I might have to go to Pakistan...I guess it balances out in a weird kinda way. Either way, I'll keep you updated.

On a side note, I was driving home and a thought came to me: where does the word "sorry" come from...maybe it's like the person admitting that they are sorry (as in the adjetive and not the state, the two not, necessarily, being mutually exclusive). I suppose, more to the point, would be to ask where "apology" came from...hmm, I'll have to do some research.