Friday, November 03, 2006


So...I'm still here chillin in Chicago. I was supposed to be in Indonesia right now, but I suppose I can't complain too much - I like it here in Chicago. I've got great friends and a plenty to do...I suppose I'm as ready as I can be to leave, but God has kept me from leaving just yet, so the question remains: why am I still here? Still trying to figure that one out...but in any event, I've gotten stuck on this project at work where I'm going through these manuals and creating this giant training presentation (i.e. death by powerpoint). I suppose that powerpoint is better than overheads, but there has got to be a better way...ugh, it's awful. I had this one professor in college who taught the class via an Elmo. For those of you who don't know, an Elmo is like an overhead projector that uses a video camera instead of a back light. So Dr. Ray (that's the guy's name, Dr. Ray) would turn down the lights and write out his notes on a pad of paper on the Elmo...that was worse than powerpoint I think...less color and no cool animations. For my seinor design project at Ga Tech we had to do a powerpoint presentation and at the end for one of the slides we had an animation of a baby running across the screen - it was pretty funny...guess you really had to be there to appreciate it......isn't it annoying when people say that " had to be there, muwahhhaa" yeah, I guess I would have had to be there punk, why don't you stay in the moment, hunh? Anyways, the baby thing was pretty dang funny...of course, lots of stuff seems funny at 5 in the morning after having been up for like 3 days straight. So, I think that stream-of-consciousness is my new thing for writing, its fun.

Like I said, I'm doing this powerpoint thing at work...and once I'm done with that, then I should start travelling - towards the end of the month (this month), i.e. in about two weeks. I might get to go to England (well, Wales to be precise) but then I might have to go to Pakistan...I guess it balances out in a weird kinda way. Either way, I'll keep you updated.

On a side note, I was driving home and a thought came to me: where does the word "sorry" come from...maybe it's like the person admitting that they are sorry (as in the adjetive and not the state, the two not, necessarily, being mutually exclusive). I suppose, more to the point, would be to ask where "apology" came from...hmm, I'll have to do some research.


Blogger Elizabeth said...

I was actually thinking about the word apology the other day because I was trying to figure out why apologetics is called apologetics and so closely related to the word apology. this is what I found out..... Apologetics is based on the meaning of the Greek word apologia which does not mean `a statement of regret requesting pardon', but 'a formal statement of justification or defense'. In the English language, the word apology is derived from the Greek word apologia, but its use has changed; its primary sense now refers to a defensive plea for forgiveness for an action that is open to blame. That's all I have time for right now but hope all goes well with your travel plans. I guess it doesn't really make sense to say keep me posted since I know you will keep all of us informed but there I said it anyway so now you have to!!!

9:31 AM, November 06, 2006  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

Well I wrote you a really long comment explaining the origins of the word apology since I had actually looked it up last thursday but it erased my comment when I tried to post so now you'll just have to wonder and hope that I will find it in my heart to rewrite the whole thing....or you could just look it up yourself I guess.....but where is the fun in knowing. Glad you liked the Ode, I would say I'm sorry for stealing a facebook photo to put on there but I'm not, it was a really cool photo and I like it so there!!! Good luck with the travel plans!

9:36 AM, November 06, 2006  

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