Saturday, November 25, 2006


Yup...I'm in Dublin right an internet shop thing - I hope to send out an update tomorrow or monday. Oh, also, I've uploaded some pics on to flickr, so check em out - link to the right :-)

Ok...back in Wales in that internet cafe i was telling you about (the one that closes at like 5, so gotta be quick - spent all my time today coming back from ireland and washing clothes, but did get some more good pics outside my hotel, put em up later...of course) btw, i just heard a commercial for "Now 65", you know, those CDs that have all of the current popular music...65, holy crap that's alot of those things, what do they put a new one out each month??

anyways, Dublin. yeah, Dublin was a blast - got to see the Guinness brewery, and a whole bunch of other stuff in Dublin. And i have a great story about my hotel....just to wet your appetite (sp?). basically, i was originally booked in this really crappy place by the online service that i used and so i went looking for a new place, but all of the hotels in Dublin were booked. right when i was about to give up, i found one...a really nice one, that just so happened to be a few stories above an underground nightclub, haha. it's always an adventure with me, i tell you what. anyways, gotta leave you on that note ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seeing the Guiness brewery while staying in Dublin? Brilliant! Tell me you had some. It has to taste great there, freshly brewed beer. Like freshly picked fruit...only with a strong alchohol content. I wish I had something deeper to say but at a quarter after 2am this will have to do.

12:18 AM, November 28, 2006  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

Wow our little world traveller!!!! I am jealous, I have always wanted to go to ireland....if I had only given up spanish and gone into engineering......hahahahahahaha wouldn't that have been amusing...I think I would have killed myself the first week. Anyway I'm glad you're doing well....think about you often....and can't wait 'til we get the chance to get together again!!!!!!

7:16 AM, December 01, 2006  

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