Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Office Space and Vikings

Have you ever seen the movie Office Space? Well, if you work in an office then you’ve probably, as I have, come to realize the brilliance and truth represented in this movie. It’s frightening how much of this movie I see brought to life in my job. Now I don’t exactly have your typical job and so I don’t even want to think what it must be like for those suckers down on Michigan Ave.

Most of the people at work are so dang serious, it’s ridiculous – for example, I was in a meeting once where we were talking about importing some catalyst (don’t worry if you don’t know what that is, suffice to say it’s one of the things that my company makes) … anyway, this guy was talking about having to deal with import/export taxes (or duties) and he said “well, we could do that and just eat the duty on it.” WHAT!!?? Did he just say that…and why is no one laughing? No one!…I don’t think you can fully appreciate how hard I was trying not to fall out of my chair and die of laughter – it’s not that it’s really that funny in and of itself, but to hear some one say that in the middle of a meeting and nobody catch it was pretty freakin hilarious – that one made it a little easier to go to work the next day.

Ok, so recently I got a laptop for work and so I got a backpack to carry it in so that I don’t walk through foreign airports/cities having this nice shoulder bag w/ “DELL” plastered on the side screaming “HEY, steal me!!!” Great idea, right? Well, it may be in some airport, but I feel like I’m 12 walking into work with my backpack on…well the skipping probably doesn’t help. Sometimes I try to carry it on one shoulder to look more professional and that helps.
Anyway, this year-ish of work has shown me not to take things too seriously…and that if I ever had to work in a cubical, I’d probably go postal. Remember back in the day when all those people were going postal – i.e. postal workers going nuts because their jobs sucked or something…recently, I’ve seen postal workers wearing those safari hats, and high socks, and walking everywhere again…I think that’s helped them not be so crazy – honestly, how serious can you take yourself when your wearing a safari hat? I’ve also realized that I could never work your typical 9-5 job…life is too short…..

I’m watching this show on the History channel right now where they’ve built this replica of a Viking longboat and now they’re giving it away to this Viking re-enactor guy…I just don’t understand re-enactors…man, they really get into character – I mean, they just showed the guy pillage a town and burn it to the ground. Ok, not really, but I just don’t really understand them – I guess they just want to find some escape for their lives….which proves my point that you gotta have a job that you love. I’m giving my a little while longer to see if it grows on me…b/c if not….


Anonymous Anonymous said...

People at my job aren't very good in the humor department either. People should start taking a chill pill and not taking life (or themselves) so serious, for real.

4:29 PM, November 07, 2006  

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