Friday, March 16, 2007


well, i'm back again. been back for almost a week. now, i'm off to the magical land of Whiting Indiana (which is pretty much right next to Gary, IN) so as you might expect, i'm pretty excited. lol. i should find out early next week what's next b/c this job in whiting is only suppposed to last a night or two (yup, back on night shift)...i worked 90 hrs last week. doin that and not getting paid overtime, and in fact, only getting 1 day of comp time kinda makes you think about stuff. working ridiculously long weeks is precisely why i didn't get some dumb corporate job maybe change is in the wind, or maybe i just need a day off. oh, i'm seriously thinking about getting a condo - i really want a house, but probably won't be able to afford one of those in chicago for another 20 yrs or so, ha. but i am starting to look in E-town. it's nice there, i like the lake. anyways, i'll update when i know where i'm headed next. peace till then.