I was gone...back now...leaving soon....that's my life right now. A lot has happened since I found that magical elixir called He’brew. I’ve moved out of my beautiful apt in Evanston and have stuffed (literally) most of my worldly possessions into a 7.5x10 ft storage locker. You know, nothing gets you in the mood to throw crap out like moving…I certainly realized how much crap I had…I threw a lot of stuff away – hopefully all this moving and living out of suitcases will teach me what I really need in life. What do we really need in life…one word: Jesus. In the end, I think John Lennon had it right when he sang “all you need is love” – this makes since, especially when we consider that God is love (1 John 4:8).
I’ve been sleeping on a camping cot for the past month – it’s much more comfortable that one might think….reason being that I’ve moved into the “new hotness” (aka. Jason’s place, aka. Gleenwood, aka. 6413…) It’s great, I love living with these guys…it’s awesome….especially considering that I don’t have to share a bathroom with the Frenchman – you see, he likes to steamroll people, i.e. Veebs (attire optional, lol). These guys give me so much encouragement and peace it’s ridiculous. They mean a ton (english not metric...unlsess we're talking a long ton, as opposed to a short ton - J and Joe are probably the only two who will get that) Laughter is never far off and neither are prayers…Veebs, Jose and I have written a song…email me if you want an mp3 of it…we’ll see what we can do.
I just got the chance to visit home last week – it was great to see everyone…and sad. I really don’t want to leave…sometimes I question whether or not God has taken into consideration how much He’s asked me to give up by leaving Chicago…but then he patiently and quietly reminds me (like this past week) how much I had to give up to leave GA and how amazing it’s been in Chicago and how much I’ve grown.
I’m pretty much prepared to start traveling, but I still don’t know where (for sure) or when I’m leaving…it’s exciting and terrifying all at once. So I guess we’ll see. I think that it will be good. Maybe it’ll be the wilderness that I thought Chicago was going to be. I guess well see…just a few more things to get together and a few more days before I leave...weird to think I dreamt about this sort of adventure when I was a little kid…